At Oasis, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
Everyone working for or visiting our home has a responsibility to understand and implement this policy and procedure at all times.
Our children and young people have a right to feel safe, secure and be protected from harm.
We help to safeguard young people
Using information we receive (particularly when concerns are raised to look at the risks to children and young people who use care services.
Referring concerns for further investigation.
Carrying out inspections, where we talk to people who use services to help us identify safeguarding concerns.
Publishing our findings on safeguarding in our literatue and reports.
Working with partners such as the police, local councils, health agencies, other regulators and government departments.
Taking part in multi-agency children's safeguarding inspections to get a picture of children's and young people's experiences and how well they are being safeguarded.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?
Formed in 2006, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command, or CEOP Command, is a command of the UK's National Crime Agency, tasked to bring online child sex offenders to the UK courts.